Redeeming Love Fellowship

We would like to welcome you to our Sunday morning worship service. We are a relatively new non denominational word of faith fellowship. If you desire to grow spiritually and increase in your faith we would love to have you.

Service Time: 10:00am

Location: Old Creamery Mall, Ronan Montana

Directly across from McDonalds on HYW 93

Our Vision

The vision of Redeeming Love Fellowship is to create a place where people can find salvation through Jesus Christ through the teaching of the written word.

A place where the body of Christ can freely worship the loving savior and almighty God.

A place where the broken hearted can be restored, the sick can be healed, the captive set free, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit can operate within the body of Christ as he wills.

Empowering believers to be victorious by being led by the Holy Spirit and to be doers of the word, not hearers only.


Mission Statement

To share the good news of Jesus Christ and bring glory to God by building his kingdom and honoring his written word.

Core Beliefs

At Redeeming Love Fellowship we teach that all of the bible is inspired by God, but the New Testament is for the body of Christ today to adhere to and be doers of. We don’t pick and choose what we think is most important or easy or comfortable. 
If it’s in the New Testament WE BELIEVE IT!

About the Pastors

 Dustin and Jamie Ferguson have settled in Ronan Montana and believe God has placed them there to be a part of the community but also to share the good news through teaching and singing. Our heart is to see the lost find God through Christ, the sick healed, the broken restored, and the discouraged empowered to victory.

Dustin is a 2011 graduate of Rhema Bible College with a 2 year diploma in Pioneer Pastoring. Dustin has been singing gospel music all of his life, and occasionally shares that gift as part of the ministry.

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